Insurmountable complexities continue to emerge in our economy, society, and our environment and we often lack the intelligence and tools necessary to provide solutions to these growing problems. Doug Englebart, an American engineer and inventor, sought out an opportunity to help humanity cope with these challenges. He envisioned a way to help humanity tackle these continuously evolving challenges by utilizing technology to augment the human intellect.
My name is Andrew Mendez. Doug Englebart inspired me to dream of a world where we can use computation to enhance our perception and cognition. My goal is to explore new human-computer interaction paradigms; research ways to create technology that enhances innate sensory and mental capabilities; as well as build intelligent interfaces that can aid people with intuitive learning and understanding their physical environment.
Here is my work in designing intelligent, interactive technology. My work explores the areas of Human Computer Interaction, Augmented Reality, and Computer Vision.
Email: interactivetech1@gmail.com
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